Gifting puppies can be very enticing particularly for people who adore them and want to share them, but everyone is not ready to receive them as gifts. So, it should properly be evaluated beforehand as to whether the puppy owner have the desire, time, ability, and the money to care for the dog over the next 10 to 20 years. Also factors such as the availability of space, a fenced yard, time and the preferable breed should be carefully watched out for. The selection should be made by the person who is ultimately going to care for the pet, so nothing called a surprise is appropriate when it comes to gifting puppies. Moreover, there is lack of choice for the owner.
The owner should also be aware of the basic needs and techniques to raise a puppy, for example how to make the pet listen to the commands and follow them, how to deal with behavioral issues if any, basic grooming required for the pets and their nutritional requirements. Kids are mostly very excited about having dogs as pets but these little ones do not realize the responsibility which comes with the ownership of the dog. Finally, they are the adults who have to actually care for the animal, so they should be ready before anyone else in the house. Moreover, the choice of the right dog is important for the family.
The breed should be chosen keeping in mind as to whether they are to stay in an apartment or a house, as some small breeds can do well in apartment; however there are some who essentially need an open area to run or roam around as part of their daily exercise. Gifting pups on birthdays and other such occasions can lead to a careless attitude toward them as they might be soon forgotten like new games and toys – particularly where kids are concerned. So, it should be avoided to gift them at such events. Puppies should always be gifted along with a book on dog ownership, grooming equipment, training information if anyway the owner to be, is interested. If the prospect owner of the dog is part of the decision process, it will good for both the dog and the family. Professional breeders should be contacted to arrange to pay a deposit, or fund the purchase for the recipient, with the puppy to be chosen later.
Almost all pets given as gifts are obtained from sources which are unethical like puppy brokers, mills, and backyard breeders because good rescue or shelter organizations does not just send dogs without evaluating the household which means carefully screening individual dogs and their adopters to ensure the best possible matches. When it is rightly done, gifting with a puppy can be magic because it involves tender emotions associated with the language- less creatures. Thus, giving puppies as a gift can not only be looked upon as giving the pet to a person but also giving a special human to a waiting puppy.